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Another Nor Easter Cold Front

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Ben & his family joined me today on this very chilly morning. Winds were from the NE and it felt more like the fall when we headed out. A pretty good roll greeted us as we headed to our first spot to fish!

I don’t think the lines were in for even a minute when one of the reels went off and the first oversized walleye was landed, photographed and released. Not a bad start to the day!

Winds were against the current and the waves were 2 footers where we were but it didn’t stop the fish from eating. We spent the morning covering water and although the bites weren’t fast and furious, they definitely caught fish. Too bad most of the walleye were too big to keep!

Sometime after 1:00, I decided to change locations and ran to another place to fish. Once again the action wasn’t fantastic but many more fish were caught. Although they were primarily pike, one of them was a much bigger toothy creature and the very first for this gang! I always love an accidental bonus catch!

Overall this day was a little slower than I had hoped for but expected after the crappy weather we received recently. Hurricane like winds for over 2 days really stirred up the water and the major cold front had the fish sucking bottom. Many adjustments were made to get the bites we did but in the end, it all worked out. Their first experience was a good one and I expect a return visit sometime later this summer. Always a great day for fishing!

The Newlyweds

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Ryan & Cindy were with me this afternoon for another banner fishing trip. As novices, they didn’t really know what was in store for them, but it was going to be spectacular!

I decided to continue the trolling pattern for a couple of reasons and set the lines quickly once we arrived. Within minutes, the first reel fired and the action was nonstop for over an hour. They even had a few double headers on pike as I continued to cover the water.

Once the action slowed, I shifted baits and moved to another area, once again firing the reels. Many pike were brought to the boat along with several nice walleye. Thoughts of bringing home a couple of each species soon changed when I informed them that the walleye were the preferred fish of choice. The pike that had been livewelled earlier were immediately released and replaced with the golden ones!

The time flew by quickly and before we knew it, we were done. I really couldn’t have asked for a better afternoon weather wise, except for a little more wind. The pesky bugs were in our faces for most of the trip and trolling into the light wind was the only reprieve. Regardless, these newlyweds had the time of their lives and were taking a few of their catch home to dine on tonight. All in all, a great day for fishing!

Kid Factor

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

James was back today and he brought Randall along for another great day of fishing. They spent the morning catching mostly pike but did manage walleye as well. The best part of the day was still yet to come!

The afternoon saw Sophia & Giulio, James’s children, join us in the boat. I knew they were going to have a great time, as “Kids Rock!” It’s called, the “Kid Factor!”

They all had an excellent afternoon, reeling in plenty more pike and several other walleye. I think the pics will tell the whole story. Combined they were able to bring over 50 fish into the boat. Could have been even more if Randall had of landed all of his! We watched some really good fish come unpinned several times! He did however manage to catch, literally a boatload!

It was a great day on the lake, despite all the boat traffic. Many double headers were had signalling the start of better fishing. I still think the best is yet to come! Can’t wait to get back out and prove that theory!

Picture Perfect Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

James & Mike joined me this morning for another successful day of fishing. We started off in slightly deeper water, due to the 57 degree surface temps and got into a bunch of fish. Although mostly pike, there were a couple of quality walleye landed too. Flat calm conditions gave the dog pecker knats free reign over the boat and they were a real treat! Fortunately the winds picked up later in the morning and the bugs b gone!

I decided to try slightly shallower water hoping for active fish but soon found out that this wasn’t the case. They did manage to land several more northerns but we had to cover plenty of water to get it done.

Sometime early afternoon, I switched locations completely and made a long run. We would be spending the remainder of the day covering it thoroughly in hopes of more bites.

For a couple of hours, all they could get into were pike but James did see a smallie go airborne on one of the rods and gladly welcomed the change. Although still out of season, you never know what you’re going to catch trolling these places! We were even fortunate enough to have the first double header of the season, three times in the course of the day!

After several more pike James finally hooked into another nice walleye. It soon joined the other one in the livewell for someone to bring home tonight. They were very few and far between today and we were happy to see it go into the tank!

With time running out, I continued trolling out to deeper water when one of the lines fired again. This time it didn’t sound like all of the others and I was sure I knew what we were into. After a lengthy battle, James finally brought his very first musky to the boat for me to boga. I quickly removed the hooks and it swam off no worse for wear!

Although we worked hard for each bite we received today, it was a very successful one. The numbers of pike were high and the other bonus fish were also a plus. I hope that in the coming days we see warmer water temps that have the post spawn fish eating more. The 57 to 59 degree water is still a little cool for them to be chasing moving baits as much as I would like. Better days ahead!

Great First Outing

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

I was finally able to get on the water today with Jean Michel, his son Alex and Steph. This was the first outing of the season and I had high expectations! Although the conditions weren’t great, with the water temps sitting at 57 degrees, we were still able to pick at the fish all day long.

The morning bite was a little slower than I had hoped for but both pike and walleye were boated in the cold, overcast weather. It wasn’t until the sun showed late in the morning that the fishing really picked up. It was at this time that numerous fish were landed, bringing the numbers up significantly! When the clouds rolled back in again however, we were forced to relocate, due to the action slowing down.

The remaining couple of hours saw more pike caught as well as a couple of bonus fish. Alex not only landed his first musky, but he followed it up with another slightly smaller one, right before we were done. We ended the day with one final fish as usual and called it just before 4 o’clock.

This was quite a productive outing for the group and one I’m sure they will all be remembering for quite a while! It definitely started my season with a bang!