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Three More Generations

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Another morning trip with 3 generations in the boat proved to be a success! Harold, Gerald & Eli were looking forward to this and I didn’t disappoint them. Right from the start, fish were being caught and it didn’t stop until it was time to leave.

Harold got he ball rolling with a few walleye and bass but Eli caught on fast and had his fair share as well. Gerald was having a bit of a difficult time losing fish but this soon changed with lots of practice. The fish seemed to be active and these guys were on fire. We had a great wind and the drifts were perfect, allowing them to feel the bites over the flat. We made long drifts and took advantage of the early bites until it slowed down. Gerald had this thing about fish not biting after 10:00, but I proved him wrong!

We tried a couple of other areas, after it had slowed and they managed to get a few more fish from each. The winds had died off a lot now, and movement was at a minimum. I eventually went back to where we had started to finish off the morning. Here they managed to land several more fish and Eli caught his biggest bass too! We fished right up until 11:30 and then headed back to the docks to take out.

This morning was another great one with lots of action and fish caught. Although they missed plenty, they landed even more. They probably could have taken a couple of limits of walleye back but chose to release everything. The 3 generations of fishermen today were all about catch & release and having fun. They had that in spades!

The fishing has been great lately and I only hope it stays like this. I will be on the water pretty much every day this week and only hope it’s as good as it’s been. More great days ahead!!

A Returning Family

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Today I had the pleasure of fishing with a client, that had fished with me 13 years agio. Adam & his wife Monique returned with their two boys, Porter & Weston, for an action-packed day of catching!

We began on a distant shoal, due to another boat nearby and it didn’t take long for someone to hook up. Weston, the youngest of their two sone, managed to get a nice keeper walleye that I immediately live welled after a couple of pics. They would surely have a few more for a great dinner tonight!

We made multiple drifts over the area and plenty of bass were caught and lost as well. Unfortunately, they were only able to land one more walleye before we relocated to another place nearby.

The second stop was a little slower and after many drifts with only one big pike to show for our efforts, I decided to make a big move in hopes of getting them into a few larger fish.

Sturgeon was up nest and Porter got to fight and land his very first dinosaur. It was a long battle but he managed to do it all on his own, except for the help of his dad for their pics! I had to make another move to get Weston one as well and fortunately he too battled another beast!

After fishing the big ones, we returned to casting for bass and they all caught several smaller ones before the next change. I decided to try one of the areas from this morning, due to the winds we were having and was disappointed when we arrived. For some reason, it was flat calm here! Regardless, we fished and managed to put two more nice walleye in the box for them to take home. Monique also landed another good bass that made the list of pics for the day!

With absolutely zero wind, it was a real scorcher! I made the offer to swim and it wasn’t long before all four of them were in the water. They would be ending their fishing trip with a cool dunk in the lake today. The kids really enjoyed it as they remained in there for quite some time before getting out.

We resumed fishing for a little bit after the swim but had to cut it short due to the sound of thunder. Off in the distance there was a small storm coming and I didn’t want to be on the water when it hit. Time to head back and take out!

Today was another great day of fishing and nobody got wet! Many fish were landed and fought including a couple of big firsts for the boys. Their vacation trip was loaded with all kinds of fun, including a refreshing swim in the lake. They would also be tasting fresh walleye for their first time tonight and I knew that this would be the best part of their day. Hopefully it won’t be another 13 years before they return again, for more great fishing action!!

A Competitive Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Nick was back again today and this time he brought his son Quinton. Along with them there was Eric and Max, making this a full boat! The fish wouldn’t have a chance with 4 lines in the water, as I would be dropshotting all day!

Despite the original forecast of stormy weather, we began with overcast skies instead. This was feeling pretty good and a change from all the heat & sunshine I had seen lately.

We began on open water rock piles and it wasn’t long before Nick brought the first keeper walleye in the boat. From that point on, fish were coming to net regularly and everyone got on the board quickly. With each pass, more & more fish were being caught. This was to continue through the morning on every place we fished. Although mostly bass, there were several walleye and some pretty big pike also landed.

Sometime around mid-day, the weather took a turn for the worse when dark clouds rolled in. The skies opened up and it just poured! I was also the only one with rain gear and the rest of the gang got soaked. It didn’t seem to matter though as they were pounding fish through the down-pour! Max & Quinton were just on fire and schooling the adults! They could do no wrong with one fish right after the other!

I knew this was going to be a shorter day than usual and once the rain let up some, I switched back to one more spot before we were done. It yielded several more fish from the boys while the others struggled just to get bit. In the end, the kids had put way more fish in the boat than Nick and Eric and they let them know too!

This was an interesting one to say the least, with multiple weather changes, but plenty of fish. The kids put a beating on the adults with the high numbers of fish they caught. Everyone landed good fish though and that’s all that counts! We may have quit a little earlier today, but in the end, everyone had a great time on this very competitive fishing day!!

The Return Trip

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

It had been a couple of years since Cory & Mike were with me, but they were back today! We were going to have a windless, scorcher of a day and I knew they were going to catch fish. I planned on fishing deeper and slower with the flat calm and started right away with a dropshot. Hopefully it would all work out!

Without any movement on the water, I was forced to use the electric motor, to move the boat along for our drifts. Immediately they were both into fish and it didn’t stop. Bass & walleye were coming aboard and a few of the Walters were even in the slot. They were hoping to take some home and now, had several in the box.

The start to the day was great, both for fishing and especially the weather. We had overcast skies and weren’t dying of heat, yet! The clouds were blocking out the sunshine and it felt great! Too bad it wasn’t going to last!

Our first couple of spots produced well, with high numbers of fish coming aboard. When things began to slow, I shifted gears and went even deeper to an area I hadn’t fished this year. It was time to check it out and I was glad I did! Here, they boated many more walleye along with a few bass and one big pike. Oh yeah, the perch were like piranhas too!

It seemed like everywhere we went today the fish were biting. At least until the sun came out and slowed everything down. I moved around to a few more spots and picked at the fish for the remainder of the day, but it was tough. We weren’t disappointed to finish, as it felt like 100 degrees on the water. Zero wind, high humidity and blazing sun just drained all of us and after a few more fish, I called it a day. We had managed to last until 4:00 and I was amazed that we did.

Today was a great one filled with plenty of laughs and memories from past trips and this one will also be added to the long list of successes. They had caught loads of fish and even had some to go home with for their dinners tonight. Who could ask for anything more!!

The Little Fisher Girl

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Derek, his wife Emily and their 4-year-old daughter Alice were with me today, in search of big fish. They were used to catching small trout but wanted something big. I was sure I could accommodate them in their quest!

We began trolling an area for pike and walleye and were fortunate enough to have the first reel fire in less than 3 minutes. With a little help from dad, Alice reeled in a decent northern. It was the biggest thing she had ever caught, but I knew she would get larger!

We trolled for most of the morning with everyone reeling in fish, but Alice took the rod for most of them. She was having a blast and wanted more! Derek even managed to land his very first walleye and it was a beauty. We had a double header and Emily reeled in the other, keeper sized one as well. The only reason they got a shot at the rods was that Alice was eating, once again! She was working up quite an appetite with all the fish she was fighting and needed to refuel, often!

The morning was quite successful with plenty of fish coming aboard. Both walleye and pike were caught but now it was time for something much larger! We fished for sturgeon for a bit and both Derek and Emily each landed one. Alice also helped with her mom’s as they both struggled to bring it to net! This pretty much exhausted them and I soon switched up to smaller fish for the remainder of the afternoon.

Dropshotting was what I had on the menu for them and I headed over to a rock flat to get the party started. Now I had all three fishing with rod in hand and it wasn’t long before Derek was locked up on the first smallie. We stayed in the area for quite a while and they all managed to get into fish. Multiple drifts were made and someone always got bit. Although there were many fish lost, plenty of them were also landed. In fact, Derek even managed to bring the total number of walleye in the livewell up to 3 from here. They would be eating well tonight!

I hit another area once the first one had slowed and a few ore fish were landed. Erin almost brought another good walleye in, but unfortunately it came unpinned before reaching the net. With time running out, we tried one more place and Erin landed the last bass of the day.

Today was a great trip for everyone, but especially for Alice. She was like the energizer bunny and didn’t lose power until the last half hour of the day! Good numbers of fish were caught by everyone on a few different techniques. It was definitely worthwhile just to see the smile on Alice’s face, each time she fought a fish. I’m pretty sure she was asleep before they even left the parking lot! All in all, it was a very successful family outing that will provide plenty of memories from all the photos taken today!