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Family Fishing Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Stacey and her two sons, Ayden & Louis were with me for an afternoon trip. We would be targeting bass but a possibility of other fish was also on the board! Hopefully the weather would hold out for them as thunder showers were a big possibility!

As we headed to our first location, the lake was flattening out even more than when we began. The closer we got to our spot, the calmer it got! When we arrived, it was an absolute mirror and just what I had hoped for. This would make it easier for what we were about to do.

I set up the rods with soft plastics and instructed them on what to do. They were in a great bass area and it didn’t take long before they were into fish. Although not huge, they were plentiful and everyone managed to land some. Ayden had the biggest and it was definitely worth a few pics! When things slowed, I switched up and got them into several good sturgeon as well. Too bad it was short lived as Mother Nature decided to rain on our parade, literally. The winds picked up and the clouds got darker. It was time to go!

I had made a decision to get closer to the ramp in case it got ugly and was glad I did. Thoughts of fishing were soon cancelled as thunder & lightning appeared! We were done! I only hoped that I would be able to get the boat on the trailer, before the heavy rain began.

Today was cut short by the weather but not before many good fish were landed by all. I was also lucky with the takeout as the rain only started when I was all packed up. More like a monsoon though! The drive home was out of this world! At least we had over 3 hours of great fishing before we had to call it because of the weather. The pre frontal bite was absolutely terrific! It was a great few hours of fishing this afternoon, for everyone!!

A Fathers & Sons Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Three generations again today on the boat as Adam was back with me, fishing! He brought his son James as well as his father Walter for the morning trip. Hopefully the east winds wouldn’t mess up the bite!

We got an early start and were heading to our first spot by 7:00. Although the water was a bit rough, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I had expected. I was sure it would build as the day went on and hit an area that wouldn’t be fishable later in the day. With soft plastics on all the lines, it was game on! Too bad the fish weren’t aware that it was time to eat as the bites were soft at best. Several fish just nipped and never really held on to the baits. In fact, even the ones that did, came off. We remained in the area trying to get some fish, but Adam managed to get the only bass from here. A move was definitely in order!

I made a long run to our next spot and a bumpy one at that. I settled on a shallow area once again, but after only a few small fish, decided to move offshore instead. Apparently, it was the right decision as it was here that they began to catch better fish. At only 7 years old, James managed to get several big fish on his own. I had showed him a slightly different way to cast earlier that was helping him. He hooked and landed the largest bass of the day twice, along with a few really nice walleye. The others were fending well too and everyone managed to catch many fish using a dropshot technique. By the time we were done, they had a limit of good keepers in the livewell for their dinner tonight!

As expected, the east winds had increased for our run back and it wasn’t pretty! Most of the time I had to keep it under 20mph so as not to take a pounding! We were in average 3 footers against the current with occasional fours, all the way back. Although we stayed dry, the big waves slowed us down and turned a short ride into a long one. Regardless, the fishing was great and they all managed to boat many fish in the short half day trip. James definitely took top honors with a few of the fish he caught and he fought them like a champ! You can tell he has the passion when he fishes and he’ll continue to get even better as he grows. Hopefully I’ll have them back out again soon! A great day was had by all!!

Welcome Back

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

After a lengthy time away from fishing, Stephan was back today for a morning trip. He and his gang managed to get into a bunch of smaller bass, but several of them were quality as well. Soft plastics accounted for the action and as usual, plenty were lost too! It was like he had never stopped! Hopefully he won’t stay away as long the next time, now that he’s retired!

Battling The Elements

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

This morning’s trip had me waiting at the ramp, with the boat on the trailer, for my clients. I wasn’t sure if they would still be willing to head out with the weather we were having and was pleasantly surprised when they arrived. Game on! We were heading out, regardless that it was pouring rain. A big wind from the SW was also responsible for the 3 footers on the lake. Hopefully they made the right decision!

After a nasty run to an area far from the launch, I set up some soft plastics for them to use. Dan and his 2 kids were about to catch some smallies from this shallow flat! Alexa was the first to hook up as a nice bass came to the net. Her brother Jonathan soon followed with one of equal size and both of them were officially on the board. Their father wasn’t really fishing much as he just wanted to watch them catch fish.

We had been here for less than an hour when the rain decided to quit falling. It was almost pleasant if not for the strong winds! At least it wasn’t wet anymore and removing our hoods, was definitely a plus!

Jonathan & Alexa were hooking up pretty regular and a good number of bass were landed by both. Although the bites weren’t fast and furious, the slow presentation of the soft plastics was definitely the ticket. Faster moving baits were tried, but without any success. I was limited to where I could go with these conditions, so I just concentrated on the area we were in. By covering the water thoroughly, they monopolized on the number of fish on these flats.

This morning flew by quickly and before I knew it, we were heading back. I knew that the run wouldn’t be pleasant and I was right. We were going with the wind and surfing 3 & 4 footers all the way to the ramp. Fortunately, with this boat we never got wet!

Everyone had a great time this morning, despite the conditions we were dealt. With the rain stopping shortly after we arrived at our first spot, it made everything much more pleasant. Both Alexa and her brother Jonathan managed to catch some good fish in our short time on the water. Their father also took plenty of videos and pics of them fighting all the bass they caught. You might say that we made the best of a not so perfect situation. Mother Nature tried, but I guess she failed this time!!

A Birthday Dinner

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Three generations and two birthdays were aboard today, hoping to catch some freshwater fish for dinner.  Jennifer, her son Nick and her mother Bev joined me as we headed out to make it happen. I would be taking them dropshotitng on rockpiles and with any luck, the fish would cooperate!

It didn’t take long before both bass and walleye were coming aboard, but most were on the smaller side and had to be released. Eventually a few keepers were landed though and the livewell was fired up. They would be having fresh fish for dinner! Being from Florida, they were use to saltwater ones, but tonight their catch of the day was to be fresh!

The weather was just about perfect today with sun and cloud and a decent wind for the drift. Temps were also quite pleasant and remained in the 70’s the entire day, making for a comfortable outing. The fish were even cooperating as multiple hits were being had with each and every drift. I just kept rotating areas the entire time, monopolizing on all the active fish. When things slowed down, I would relocate and do it all over again. Although there were a few slow periods, someone was almost always hooked up.

Sometime in the afternoon, I moved to an area I hadn’t been to in a while and Nick landed a couple of really good fish. The birthday boy even took top honors with a bonus northern that ate the dropshot rig as well. We may not have pounded on the fish heavily from one spot but by moving around they were able to have plenty of action. It seemed that every location was holding some fish and they definitely caught from all.

A slightly earlier than usual end to the day was requested and I finished off right where we had started. Everyone managed to land a few more fish before we were done and some of them even made it into the tank!

Fresh fish was requested this morning and they would be having a great meal tonight. Several good keepers were taken back with them for the birthday dinner. Bev was looking forward to dining on fresh fish for her birthday and so were all the others. For some reason fish always tastes better when you’ve caught them yourself! They definitely had enough to feed the six people that would be eating tonight!

Overall, I couldn’t have asked for a more enjoyable day with the outcome. Between the weather and the company, it was just about perfect. Oh yeah and the fishing was pretty good too!!