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A Winter Wonderland

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

What a way to bring in a new month! It snowed all the way, driving to the boat ramp and continued for quite a while after we hit the water too! Craig & Steve definitely had their work cut out for them today, just staying warm! Big NE winds and blowing snow would make fishing a real challenge!

Conditions were less than ideal when we hit the first spot and the fish weren’t very cooperative. I guess they didn’t like the weather either as only one walleye was caught in the first few hours. Plenty of perch were landed, but the walleye seemed lock jawed! I marked all kinds of them on the Livescope, but they just didn’t want to eat. Eventually Steve managed to persuade one other when he boated the second fish of the day. Too bad that was all she wrote!

We moved around plenty, checking a bunch of spots and had the same results each and every time. Fish were there but not eating! Multiple bait changes still couldn’t get them to go, so we did. After several hours of this, I couldn’t take it any longer and made a long run to another area to fish. At least the snow and wind had stopped for the ride!

We were now targeting bass and covering water slowly. Steve hooked up after about 20 minutes and brought a decent smallie to the net. I thought we were on to something but unfortunately it wasn’t to be. This was the first and last bass for quite a while! Craig did however manage to land a good sized northern that gave him quite the fight.

I had been concentrating on slightly deeper water but decided to move shallow to see if they could get a bite or two. Surprisingly, Steve landed a good bass from here and lost another one as well. These fish weren’t plentiful anywhere, but they were here! We moved all over and they managed to catch a few more, as well as miss several others before time just ran out. We were officially done for the day!

This trip was definitely a challenge right from the start! Not surprisingly, the weather was the biggest challenge as Craig was back! He always seems to manage to bring out the best in Mother Nature! I guess she has a soft spot in her heart for him! All I know is that Steve and Craig weren’t disappointed to end the day as they both looked forward to the warm drive back and a hot coffee from Tim Hortons! Just another tough day in the books!!

Two On One

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Craig & Steve were in for a couple of days and we decided to hit a body of water for smallies. It was a little crispy prepping the boat this morning, as the temps dipped below freezing overnight. I wasn’t surprised as Craig always manages to bring some sort of weather when he comes! This was par for the course!

After a long drive, we dropped the boat in and headed to our first spot. It was a chilly morning ride with the temps hovering around zero. Everything looked a little different as the water was quite high and it took a bit of time for me to get orientated. Once I found what I was looking for, it was game on! This first spot was loaded and several double headers were landed along with many singles. Most of the fish were average size but a few were bigger. They definitely got practice here as we lost count of how many were landed!

I hit another area after loading the boat on our first stop and finally got into better fish here. Both Craig & Steve were into quality now and Steve even managed to catch a double on his own. He boated two nice smallies on one lure for his first time. The were both decent fish too!

The rest of the day was spent hole hopping and fish were caught from just about every spot we fished. I had noticed that this sudden cold snap had dropped the water temps as well, slowing the fishing down since the last time I was here. The fish were quite lethargic all over and at one point I ran the Livescope and confirmed my thoughts. Fish were following and looking, but not really taking well. We would just have to grind it out!

As time lapsed, we hit a few more areas before leaving. I returned to the spot where Steve had a double and Craig landed the best fish of the day. Steve also managed to put several more good bass in the net before we were done. We packed up and headed back to take out!

Today may have started off cold but the fishing was red hot! It was definitely a numbers day for the bass. Although there were several quality fish landed, it was Steve’s double that would be the highlight of today. Not having ever done this before made it all that much more satisfying. I guess it’s sort of like a golfer getting a hole in one! I’m sure everyone will remember today and the ones that didn’t get away!!

A Short Walleye Bite

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Dan & I headed out this morning in what was supposed to be a big wind. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the water was almost flat instead! It probably wouldn’t last, but at least we would start the day in comfort.

I decided to try for walleye first and it didn’t take long to get bit. We were into good fish, but had to really fish them slowly in order to get bit! Livescope showed the lethargic ones barely moving as we fished through the schools. Although we did get a good number of big fish in the first three hours, it was hard work. Once the winds picked up and it began to rain, it was lights out! The fish weren’t active to begin with and now they went dormant!

With the winds pushing 3-foot waves where we were, I decided to try other areas instead. Unfortunately, despite all our efforts, we were only able to land several small bass. One more attempt at the open water walleye saw the same results and our drifts were too fast to get the presentation needed to possibly get bit. We decided to pull the plug around 2 and headed back to the ramp to take out.

The morning bite was great today but once the weather changed and the winds picked up, it was all over for the day. Thankfully we caught plenty of fish in the first few hours to make it all worthwhile! I even got to take a good limit home and released many other fish too! Good day on the water!!

Another Numbers Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Leslie joined me today but he decided to do a half day trip like the Timex watch. We were going to take advantage of the weather and fish from 10 till 2 instead of the usual hours. Bass were the targeted species and I knew just where to go. He was going to have a great day!

After driving some distance, we arrived at the destination and it looked great! The water color wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be, after all the rain we had received, several days before. We were going to be cranking them up today!

Leslie was joined by a coworker Marty who had never fished before. It shouldn’t be a problem as there were plenty of fish to go around! Leslie got the skunk out of the boat early when we arrived on the first spot. He also added another half dozen bass to his numbers in a short time too! Marty on the other hand was a working process and got to reel a couple of fish in that were passed off from us. Although it took him a little while to get the hang of casting, he eventually managed to hook up on his own. Unfortunately, after the first jump, it threw the hooks and was gone. Leslie was on fire however with multiple fish coming to the net. With each new spot we stopped on, he was tight to fish almost immediately.

Time was passing quickly today and I decided to hit only the areas that I knew were loaded. Our last stop saw Leslie boating double digits. He caught some of the better bass of the day here, before we were done. He had single handedly caught a large number of fish, in a short period of time. I can only imagine how many his total would have been, had we fished for an entire day!

Although the bulk of the fish were caught on cranks today, several were also taken on a dropshot as well. The action was great with every spot holding plenty of fish. Leslie definitely took advantage of this and caught his fair share and more. This may have been his last trip of the year, but who knows! He may want another taste of success if the weather holds out long enough. If not, he will at least have the memories of today to tide him over, until next season when he wets another line. Today was just another great day for fishing!!

Big Eyes

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

After 3 attempts at getting Danny & his son Dylan out, we finally made it work today! Although the previous attempt were ruined by miserable weather, today was a go. It was gong to be a bit breezy and we had a big west wind, but at least it wasn’t pouring rain or hurricane like again!

The afternoon trip saw some action and both of them landed several good Walters. Too bad most of the fish we marked, weren’t interested in eating! The ones we did manage to catch however were quality and some of the biggest ones they had ever seen!

Time flies when it’s only a half day but at least we were able to fish today. Both Danny and Dylan enjoyed the afternoon, despite the 2-foot waves. We had to make multiple drifts in order to get the bites we had, but it was definitely worth it. They both managed to land some great walleye today!!