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Just Another Scorcher

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Jonathan & Derek were with me today for another scorcher, roller coaster of a day. We started out in a big NW wind with heavy overcast skies, right after a storm had passed. I tried trolling an area but soon found out that the fish just didn’t want to bite here. Plan B!
We headed to a distant spot in hopes of better fishing, in almost flat calm conditions. Once we arrived, the lake became a mirror once again! I covered the water and they managed to get to play with many pike but only one walleye. Very surprising indeed!
With the heat finally getting to us, and those damn dog pecker knats all over, I decided to go casting for bass instead. A couple of spots later and the fish either small or non-existent, we pulled the plug on this as well. Time to head to open water and try drop shotting!
The winds had increased considerably and now we were back to the big NW one more time! Fortunately it worked in our favour as plenty more fish were landed in the time remaining. Multiple drifts were made over various depths and walleye, bass & pike were brought to net. Oh yeah, many fish were missed or lost too!
Despite the intense heat and weekend boat traffic, they had a great time catching all kinds of fish. I think Derek even caught a perch giving him three species for the day! Great fishing all around!





Insane Weather Conditions

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

July 19th 2019

Fished every day this week but no reports, sorry!
Today however I had Eric & Caroline in the boat for a very strange weather day! We started drifting for bass & walleye, but the lack of wind made it feel like we were anchored. One bass later, I headed to an area and switched to trolling.
Flat calm conditions even made it difficult to troll but we did manage to get a bunch of pike and one nice walleye. Scorching hot conditions had me raising the top but there was very little relief. No wind had the dog pecker knats out in full force and sticking to us from the high heat & humidity!
Eventually the winds picked up and I headed back to open water, to resume drop shotting. For the remainder of the day, we drifted over deep water shoals and they hooked plenty of fish. Unfortunately most of them were lost on the way to the boat, but they did manage to land quite a few as well. A mix of walleye and bass with one lost northern made it into the net!
As the afternoon passed, the winds got considerably stronger and the waves became three footers. Although a little difficult, we made it work and kept at it right until 3:30, before we called the day. It was a real scorcher without the top up and the breeze of moving felt great. I couldn’t raise it with the winds as we would have been moving way too fast to get a good drift. Thoughts of using a drift sock crossed my mind but we braved the elements and just hydrated more by drinking plenty of water.
This was definitely the hottest day so far and hopefully it will continue to heat up the water, setting the fish up in their summer patterns. It’s been a grind each day with the ever changing conditions and wind directions. A little stability would be nice for a change, but I’ll deal with whatever Mother Nature has to offer. After all, she has the final say in this matter!



Another Slow Morning

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

July 15th 2019


After relaxing over the weekend, I was back on the water this morning. Mark was in once again, all the way from Scotland. He joined me with his two sons, Noah & Adam, hoping for a good day.

I searched for about 15 minutes for the juvenile sturgeon I had located last week, but soon gave up. The water temps had fallen again and they were gone.

Plan B was to head to an area and troll for pike & walleye. We set the lines, began covering water and eventually hit the first fish. Soon after we hit others and both species were coming aboard. There were even a couple of keeper walleye that made their way into the livewell.

We ended the morning in a different area and they landed a few more fish in the remaining time including the largest walleye of the day! Noah brought the last fish into the boat and we were done!

Although not what I had planned, having a backup is always a good idea. I had intended on fishing sturgeon but settled on the pike & walleye. In the end, they were able to bring 4 walleye back with them for a good dinner tonight. Tough bite but great results!

A Really Grand Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

July 12th 2019


Joseph was with me this morning along with his granddaughter Alexandra. I was hoping that the storms we had come through last night didn’t kill the bite. Only time would tell!

It took all of about 30 seconds to fire the first reel once I had the rods in and Alexandra battled a really nice walleye to the boat. We worked hard for the remainder of the bites we got after this and struggled for a while too. Mostly pike but a few more walleye and one really nice smallie was landed before I decided to switch it up.

We packed the trolling gear away and went for smallies on soft plastics. I taught Alexandra how to cast and it didn’t take her long to get the hang of things. She even managed to hook a couple on her own! With only the morning to fish, time flew by quickly and before we knew it, we were done.

They both managed to land several nice fish this morning despite the cold dirty water from all the rain recently. I’m sure that if we hadn’t gotten the electrical storm last night, the fishing would have been much better! Regardless, they had a great time and Joseph enjoyed seeing his granddaughter catch fish even more. Great half day of fishing!

Another Slamming Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

July 9th 2019


After a day of scouting yesterday without clients, I was back at it again this morning! Barry had his three kids, Leiha, Paige & Justin along for the morning and I was hoping to get them into a pile of fish.

Our trolling bite was definitely slower than expected with short strikes and less fish than I usually see. They only managed one walleye, with the balance being northerns. Time for a change of plans!

I ran to a smallie area and instructed them on how to manipulate the soft plastics they were throwing. It didn’t take long and Justin was tight to his very first smallmouth bass. He couldn’t believe the difference between the largemouth bass he was used to catching.

For the remainder of our time, they all hooked and landed, or lost, plenty more bass. The bite was definitely better than our troll earlier and I was just glad to have them on active fish.

Half days are always tougher as you can’t work through the slow periods as easily as full days. The clock is always ticking whether they bite or not! Fortunately I didn’t have an afternoon trip scheduled so we stayed on the bite about an hour longer.

Great times were had by all with many fish being landed in the end. Leiha however got top honours by slamming out 4 different species. She had managed to land a couple of really jumbo perch on the same baits the bass were eating. Sure wish we had the afternoon to keep the ball rolling. Water temps were climbing steadily, making the fish more aggressive. I always hate leaving them biting!