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Toughest Bite Yet

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Today was another tough day on the water with James, Robin & John. We fished for just about everything! Although I was marking fish everywhere we went, the bites were light or not at all.

We began drop shotting and saw all kinds of fish that didn’t want anything to do with us. Robin did manage to land one walleye but that was all she wrote! A few other missed strikes had me relocating to a distant area for a guaranteed trolling bite. Or so I thought! One big walleye came off and a couple of other short strikes and we were out of there as well.

I thought we’d give a shot at some shallow smallies and at least here, they managed to land a bunch of them. Although most were on the smaller side, it was nice to see something actually bite. I also saw all kinds of larger ones that showed no signs of wanting to eat here as well.

We decided to return to our first area late in the afternoon, hoping for more active fish. Back to the drop shot and similar results were had once again! They did however get several more bites but the hook ups weren’t great. A few small walleye were landed and a couple of decent smallies but most strikes were just missed.

To say this was a tough day would be an understatement. I just hope that I don’t see more days like this again! I think next time I might just bring worms out with me and try for sturgeon. If all else fails, I can always feed them to the bass & walleye in hopes of them actually eating! Better days ahead!

Productive Walleye Outing

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Suzanne & Ross were with me today for what was supposed to be a half day, morning trip. It was soon extended during the morning to a full day, as I wasn’t booked in the afternoon. Good thing too as the early fishing wasn’t all that great!

Although they did manage to land some nice fish, the numbers just weren’t there. I did however drift over a school of walleye that kept them occupied for almost two hours though! They just loaded the boat with them and at one point it was every drift. I eventually just anchored with the electric and they pounded on the fish!

We spent most of the time drop shotting open water catching both bass and walleye but the bite was pretty slow. Sure glad for the school of fish regardless of their size! They did manage to catch plenty of keepers too and brought a limit home with them in the end!

Fishing may have been slow at the start with the lack of wind but it definitely turned around in the end. It soon became another high numbers day for a couple that had barely fished in years. Something tells me this won’t be the last time we see each other, as they are already talking about doing this again!

Plenty of Firsts Today

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Karen, Jarrett & Hayden were with me for the day and what a day it was! They started out drop shotting and had a bunch of bites, but missed most of their fish. They did rebound though and finally starting boating both walleye & bass. Karen had the biggest walleye as well as the largest smallie but her son Hayden, soon turned that around. He hooked into a musky and had big fish for the day. It really went insane for a while and even took to the air a couple of times. Not only was it his first musky but he had also landed his first bass as well as walleye. He was having the time of his life!

We made multiple drifts over the area and they landed a load of fish with the wind & waves, until it died out. We now had a much slower drift and the fish also slowed down too! Add to that the unreal amount of grass like weeds floating on the surface and it wasn’t long before I pulled the plug on this area and went somewhere else. I had to get away and try something new.

We had made a long run to another spot that I wanted to troll and apparently it was the right move. It didn’t take more than a minute before we had the first rip, but it was gone as fast as it had arrived. I was now trolling over an area looking for northerns as well as walleye and I was sure it would work. For the next couple of hours we made several passes and managed to get into all kinds of pike and a few really nice walleye too. Jarrett landed his personal best Walter along with some nice northerns and we ended on a high.

Around 2:00 they decided to call it a day, so we packed up and headed back. The entire trip was filled with good numbers of fish and the troll was the icing on the cake! Everyone had caught lots of fish and were more than satisfied! I even managed to take a couple of walleye home for dinner tonight as they were staying in a hotel and had no way of keeping their fish. Turned out to be a win, win for everyone today! Another great day of fishing!

Missed Oppertunities

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.



Hughes, Oliver & Phillip were with me today, for another scorcher! Our morning bite was on fire with the wind & waves, but unfortunately more fish were missed than landed. They did however bring a good number of them to net though, including 4 nice keeper walleye!

Once the wind died, I decided to try a little trolling but it was short lived. I just couldn’t get out of all the floating grass like weeds that were on the surface, as well as in the water column. It was a real ordeal trying to keep the lines clean and I just gave up completely. Mondays are always the worst after the weekend traffic blazing all over the lake, chewing up the grass!

Off we went to try some casting for walleye again but this didn’t work out well at all. They did have plenty of hits but about 5% of the bites were converted into landed fish. Eventually the fish just stopped biting all together and we were forced to move again!

I decided to return to where we had begun as it seemed like the winds had returned somewhat. The sun was up high now and although the fish were still there, they were pressed tightly on the bottom and required a finesse approach to make them bite. Basically you had to be right in their face if you were going to get bit!

We spend the last couple of hours making multiple drifts over the areas and they landed several more bass. They seemed like the only ones wanting to bite! In the end one more walleye came aboard bringing the total of keeper sized ones up to 7 for the day. There were many others caught, but they were either too small or too big to make the cut!

Although the action was slow at times today, it was also on fire at other times too! Unfortunately the learning curve was during this period and they were only able to take advantage of a small percentage of their bites. Plenty of missed opportunities were the result but eventually they rebounded and put fish in the boat. All in all it was still a great day for fishing!

A Gift from Mother Nature

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Steven, Leanne & Fred had a great time fishing today for a mix of fish. We finally caught a break with Mother Nature and she threw us some wind! It was absolutely perfect for drifting and they got bit right out of the gate!

Walleye & bass were the target and they caught them good! I’m really not sure how many fish were boated today but it seemed like someone had a bent rod almost the entire day. Plenty of doubles and a few triple headers were had as they just put a beating on the fish that didn’t want to bite yesterday afternoon.

Despite a midday break due to a passing storm, the action was almost nonstop. As soon as we returned, they went right back to slaying the fish once again. I don’t think I could have asked for better conditions today. Hopefully tomorrow will have similar winds, allowing me to do the same!