Pêche guidée
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September 25th 2018


After several cancellations due to high winds, it was nice to get back on the water today! Jim & Marie were with me and I had to do a road trip with them in order to escape the hell winds once again. Smallmouth were the target and I hoped they would bite!

By the time we arrived and began to fish, it was almost 8:30. We had also driven to the water through showers and it was still raining! This had the makings of a wet & miserable day, but at least it wasn’t windy!

Our first spot saw Marie hit quickly on a blade but the fish never got pinned. I immediately switched her to a different lure and this is when everything changed. She had locked up on a nice smallie in the current and eventually brought to net a quality bass. I guess this lake was the right decision, as they were about to find out!

Although Jim wasn’t having much luck, he did have several hits. Marie on the other hand, managed to land 3 really good fish before we made a slight move to another area nearby. This was where things were about to get interesting!

I had them both working the same minnow baits and fishing a current break. Marie kept hooking up while Jim was still struggling to keep his fish pinned. After several other garbage fish were landed, he finally broke the ice with a small bass and the skunk was officially off of his back! He soon added to that another nice one that was also photo worthy. Marie through all of this, kept catching more as well and was way over Jim in numbers and size. Time to give him a fighting chance!

I made a long run to an area that I knew held big fish in hopes of getting Jim that elusive 6 pounder that he had been wanting for several years. On the first pass he nailed a good one that although wasn’t his targeted size, was welcomed nonetheless. He was on his way to bringing up the count and adding to that some big ones too!

Our second pass had me changing the boat direction so that Marie could also get a shot at the angle and she added a few more smaller bass to her count. Jim managed to get a couple of giants soon after that and they definitely required pics!

Between them, they managed to bring in several nice fish each and right before I was about to call it a day, Marie was fighting another. This fish turned out to be the big bass of the day and definitely a quality giant. We were ending on a high as she released the beast after several pics.

Despite fighting the elements, they were able to get their trip off to a bang with many nice bass today. We will be back out somewhere tomorrow again for their second attempt at the Holy Grail and with any luck, Jim will have his wish. If not however, they will be boating many others worthy of photos and enjoying each and every one of them too! Crossing my fingers that the weather holds out and we can get it done!!

Pêche guidée
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