Pêche guidée
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Back on the water again this morning with Craig & Herm, for day number two! We decided to hit another pond in hopes of a banner day for bass. Walleye would always be a backup, but it was smallies we were after and big ones were the target. Hopefully they would cooperate!

The weather was calling for showers, off and on during the day and we drove to the water with it falling the entire time. Luckily when we launched, it had almost completely stopped, allowing us to run in only clouds.

Our first stop had Herm hooked up later than I expected, but it was a good fish. It definitely wasn’t on fire though, as we were finding out. After missing a couple of fish, Craig too landed another, bigger than Herm’s first one. Although the fish were good ones, they were few & far between!

We hit plenty of the key areas and barely scratched at the fish. After having lunch and waiting out another shower, I decided to go to plan “B” and switched up to walleye instead. We made a long run and settled on a different area in hopes of a few golden fish.

Not long after we arrived, Craig was into the first of many keepers. He boated a nice walleye and this was when it all started. For the next several hours there were plenty of keepers landed, as well as some smaller ones too. With the aid of Garmin, I was able to pinpoint exactly where the fish were positioned, each time we changed spots. The Livescope really made it easy to know where to cast!

The afternoon passed by quickly while they were catching fish and before we knew it, it was time to leave. I packed everything up and headed back to the ramp, ending the day. Although we were originally searching for bass, the walleye made for a great alternative. They were also happy to bring home a limit of fish as well. By having a backup plan, I was able to turn the slow morning into a great day once again. They will both be back again before the season ends and hopefully by that time, the bass will be on fire! It’s not surprising to see the slower than usual start as the season has been unusually late this year. I also hope that the big sturgeon show, soon as their season will end in a few weeks. I guess global warming does exist!!

Pêche guidée
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