Pêche guidée
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Pierre, Eric & Jacques were with me today on a quest for walleye. We started out with a nice SW wind, drifting over rocky flats and they wasted no time hooking into the first few fish. Unfortunately the winds diminished and so did our drifts! Many more fish were landed but unfortunately most were on the small side and had to be released. A few smallmouth and a couple more keepers later, I decided to relocate. On top of that, there were so many boats in this area that the fish were being pressured and I wanted no part of this crowd!

I made a long run to an open water area where we spent the remainder of the day. Plenty more fish were landed and also lost or missed, but there was always action. A few smallies were also caught but walleye were the main target and we picked at the better ones all afternoon. The winds made it a challenge to cover this spot, blowing from the SE and then straight east. The electric motor had to be used just to move over the flat and fish! We pulled the plug shortly after 3:00 as everyone had seen enough and we were done.

Today was another great one filled with lots of action and they all got to take fish home with them in the end. Hopefully these conditions will continue for many more weeks to come as we are now into the fall period and you just never know. Mother Nature has a way of humbling us all and keeping the fisheries protected with her insane weather patterns. Plenty more great days ahead!

Pêche guidée
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