Pêche guidée
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After a relaxing day off yesterday, I was back on the water again this morning. Randall had his son Jack and his niece & nephew from New Zealand. They wanted to catch some bass and possibly a sturgeon. I had brought all the gear for the big fish but unfortunately it wasn’t meant to be. I marked a few, but not the ones I usually catch and after about an hour of trying, pulled the plug completely. We were off for smallies!

Jack managed to get the first good fish and it was a beauty! The others all landed a few of their own but slightly on the smaller side. I hit many areas and each one produced fish, but not the ones I wanted. I jumped around plenty and kept going deeper until I finally hit some of the bigger ones. Conner & his sister Grace managed to catch a few larger ones but it was Conner that had the bigger fish. Jack on the other hand landed some of the largest of the day and took big fish as well. We had a few doubles and even one triple header that caused a little chaos netting.

Today was one of those scorcher days and I needed to put the top up to stay a bit cooler. Temps reached into the 90’s and the roof was welcomed!

We finished the day with a few drifts over a walleye area and Jack managed one small fish from there. Both he and his father Randall did catch more smallies though before we were done.

This was another great day but a little on the hot side. There was also a lot of boat traffic on the water with this being such a nice day. Plenty of cruisers returning home after their vacation causing waves from all directions. I was glad it was finally over! Regardless it was still a great day for fishing!

Pêche guidée
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