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Completing The Rotation

Full boat today for a morning sturgeon trip saw Chris, Jay, Ryan & Matt excited to catch their first dinosaurs. I just hoped with the strong NW winds, that we would be able to anchor up!

It was a pleasant surprise to see the winds weren’t as bad as I had anticipated when we headed out. Instead, the electric motor would provide us with a spot locked hold where I wanted to fish.

Our first attempt saw no results but our second spot had Chris locked up fairly quickly, only to end in disappointment. Somehow the fish came unbuttoned but not before we all had a good look as she breached. It was large!

I had to move again in order to get bit and this time it stayed pinned. Ryan managed to do battle with a really good fish that went airborne 3 times before coming to net. Along with the leaps, there was also a ten minute battle that had him feeling the pain. This was to be the best one of the day and he held it for a few pics before letting her go.

We stayed in this area for a while due to seeing plenty of life and sure enough, we were bit a third time. Matt did battle with another good fish that also took to the air, before sounding back to the bottom for a lengthy fight. After a gruelling battle, I finally netted his fish but it wasn’t over. He now had to hold it for the pictures. This was undoubtedly his largest fish ever and he needed proof that he had caught it. As with all sturgeon, it too was released unharmed afterwards!

With two down there were only two more to go and I hoped to get it done with our next move. Sure enough, the fish came within minutes of resetting in another location and it was game on! Jay was finally into his and after seeing it go airborne, I knew he was about to take a beating! For the next ten minutes he struggled to land his sturgeon and every time he thought he was gaining, it ran even more. Each time he reeled it closer, it took off in the opposite direction and peeled out more line. It was quite hilarious to hear him complain. He thought it would end quickly as he brought the fish nearer to the boat, but he was wrong. The fish was totally in control and it beat him up pretty good. After about ten minutes of this comedy show, I was finally able to net the fish for him and a sigh of relief was had. As funny as the fight was, having him hold the fish for a few pics was even funnier! Now he was in a whole other world of pain just trying to get a handle on this slippery beast. Somehow he did manage however and we shot several quick pics before sending her back to the depths.

Having been held by the electric motor in wind & current for more than four hours had finally taken its toll on the batteries and I was forced to drop anchor. This was the first time this season, but between the two, we did manage to hold long enough for another bite. Chris was about to get a little redemption after losing the first fish of the day!

I don’t know who was happier, but I was definitely glad to see a full rotation in the boat today. Chris was tight to another good one and fought it like a champ. Multiple long runs were had but it never breached. This battle was long as it remained down for the entire fight. Almost ten minutes later, I had it in the net and ready for more pics. Chris had no problem holding his fish and he released it soon after. We had gotten it done!

Although we tried for another bite, it wasn’t to be. I was definitely happy with the four fish they had landed and we packed up and called it a day. I had extended their morning trip by about an hour and it had paid off in the end. Everyone had their time on the rod and they had all felt the power of these sturgeon. I really couldn’t have asked for anything more!!

Another Slamming Day

After yesterday’s cancellation due to extreme winds, I was back out today and ready for a little pay back! Dan & his sons, Crosby & Jack were with me this morning, looking to catch some fish. Warren also came along, making for a full boat! I realized quickly that I was going to do a drift & dropshot as the winds would be in our favour. Although they were blowing big again, at least they were from the proper direction.

With all lines in the water, we covered an area that I was marking fish from and Crosby was soon tight to the first fish. He landed a nice keeper walleye and it was just the beginning! Each pass yielded more walleye with a mix of perch. Although everyone was having their chances, it was Crosby that was on fire. In a very short time he managed to get a slam with his additional smallmouth bass.

Today was going to be a half day and I was glad that we had gotten off to a fast start. I was also happy to see the winds diminish slightly, allowing for better drifts. It was making the subtle bites much easier to detect and the results were obvious. Everyone was hooking fish now and several more walleye made their way to livewell for their dinner tonight.

In the few short hours they had to fish, there were plenty of keepers, unders and several overs brought to net. A good number of perch were also landed along with one nice smallie from Crosby. By 12:30 we were done and packed it in for the day. We even left the fish biting!

For a first time experience, Dan & his kids couldn’t have asked for more. A good number of fish were caught and plenty more missed throughout the morning. Now that they have the bug, I expect to see them again before the season ends. With any luck, they will be out with me for something much more substantial in size. Talk of a sturgeon trip was heard before we parted and it’s only a matter of time before we’re out again. Hopefully the fishing will be as good and everyone will feel the burn from those impressive beasts! I just can’t wait!

A Little Pay Back

After yesterday’s cancellation due to extreme winds, I was back out today and ready for a little pay back! Dan & his sons, Crosby & Jack were with me this morning, looking to catch some fish. Warren also came along, making for a full boat! I realized quickly that I was going to do a drift & dropshot as the winds would be in our favour. Although they were blowing big again, at least they were from the proper direction.

With all lines in the water, we covered an area that I was marking fish from and Crosby was soon tight to the first fish. He landed a nice keeper walleye and it was just the beginning! Each pass yielded more walleye with a mix of perch. Although everyone was having their chances, it was Crosby that was on fire. In a very short time he managed to get a slam with his additional smallmouth bass.

Today was going to be a half day and I was glad that we had gotten off to a fast start. I was also happy to see the winds diminish slightly, allowing for better drifts. It was making the subtle bites much easier to detect and the results were obvious. Everyone was hooking fish now and several more walleye made their way to livewell for their dinner tonight.

In the few short hours they had to fish, there were plenty of keepers, unders and several overs brought to net. A good number of perch were also landed along with one nice smallie from Crosby. By 12:30 we were done and packed it in for the day. We even left the fish biting!

For a first time experience, Dan & his kids couldn’t have asked for more. A good number of fish were caught and plenty more missed throughout the morning. Now that they have the bug, I expect to see them again before the season ends. With any luck, they will be out with me for something much more substantial in size. Talk of a sturgeon trip was heard before we parted and it’s only a matter of time before we’re out again. Hopefully the fishing will be as good and everyone will feel the burn from those impressive beasts! I just can’t wait!

Hell On Water

Although I was on the water almost every day this week, today I had the pleasure of having Ronnie & his wife out. They were in from Texas and looking to catch some walleye. After yesterday’s recon outing, I knew just where to go!

We started at 11:30 for a half day afternoon trip and within minutes they were fishing. I was also marking plenty of what they were hoping to catch. I held with the electric over schools of walleye in deep water. By drop shotting they were able to catch a limit and returned a bunch of others as well. Multiple moves to find the fish each time they relocated proved to be the most effective. I would have loved to drift over the schools and cover water but the big winds out of the SE didn’t allow me the luxury. It was rough and going to get a whole lot bigger as we were about to find out!

Along with the walleye there were also a few perch and smallmouth bass caught before the anchor feature on the electric became useless. Some of the waves were now rolling over the bow and the motor spent more time in the air than actually in the water. I would need to change the presentation completely if they were to have a chance at catching any more fish!

With the boat sideways, I made several short drifts crossways over the small area without any success. I still marked fish, but our speed was quicker than I wanted and missed fish were had. After about 8 fishless drifts. We were done! I packed everything away and strapped everything down for the run back. It wasn’t going to be pretty!

By riding the waves in the troughs and crests, we literally surfed our way back to the take out area. Unfortunately it was blowing directly on the ramp and it was big! To my surprise however, Bruce was on shore waiting for my return. He called me and backed the trailer in, for me to take out. This definitely made a difficult situation a little easier! Other than a little splashing, we were safely out of the water in no time!

It’s that time of year again when Mother Nature plays cruel tricks on us by delivering nasty weather. The big winds definitely make for some tough fishing! Today was proof as we found out. Prior to it kicking up, fish were being caught. Once we couldn’t hold, not another fish was landed. I only wish we had been able to get out earlier to take advantage of the morning bite.

Overall they both had a great time regardless and still managed to take a limit of good keepers back to where they were staying. I guess fish is on the menu for the next couple of days. It sure beats dining out in expensive restaurants every night!

A Goby Invasion

Allan was with me this morning, along with his friends Matt & Alex. We spent over two hours anchored up for sturgeon, without even one bite! Along with the lack of fish there, we were plagued by those damn goby minnows, causing me to constantly re bait the lines. In the end, we just gave up and headed to fish a different species!

I decided to hit a deep water area for bass and set them all up with a drop shot rig. Although it took them a bit of time to understand the technique, Alex managed to land a nice bass at the end of the first drift. We made several passes over different lines and someone always hooked up. They may not have all been big, but they were catching and I was happy to finally have action after the slow morning!

With limited time remaining in their trip, I moved to another area and drifted for walleye. I had been marking them pretty good but the bites were light and fish were being missed. A couple of good ones did manage to make it into the boat though, proving that they would eat!

Noon came quickly and before we knew it, we were done. Despite the slow fishing today, they still managed to enjoy themselves and everyone caught fish. I only wish we were able to have kept the lines in the water long enough for sturgeon in order to have gotten bit. The gobies definitely took us out of the game today! Hopefully the next time I decide to fish for them, things will work out much better. Only time will tell!