Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Double Group Day Again

I had the pleasure of fishing with two different families today. Kelvin, Susan & their son, Nathan were with me in the morning and Craig & his son, Dominic in the afternoon. Both groups managed to catch plenty of fish and had a blast. Kelvin hoped to get into smallies and he did just that. Along with the bass, they also managed to fight a few nice walleye too!

The afternoon saw more wind than I hoped for and the direction wasn’t great! We had spent the morning dropshotting, but now the wind direction saw me making a long run to try trolling. In the end it all worked out because they managed to catch some really nice walleye and pike. They ended their trip by dropshotting in 3 footers, from a ridiculous direction. I had to angle the boat just to stay on the area, but they caught several more fish including some big ones again!

It’s always a challenge to have two groups, especially when the conditions change during the day. I adjusted a few times and managed to keep everyone on fish and that’s all that counts. Great fishing by everyone today!!

Lucky Little Guy

Adam & his son James were fishing with me today and he brought his brother-in-law Dominic, along as well. The three of them were hoping to keep a few walleye for dinner, along with catching some bass for the fight. I knew this wouldn’t be a problem, as we had his son James in the boat! Last time out, he put a beating on both his father as well as his grandfather. This little guy has a hot hand when it comes to fishing!

We headed to our first spot and I had to use the electric motor to control our drift, due to the light north wind. I would normally use the current to move the boat, but there was no movement at all. The north wind was acting like an anchor! Several fish were taken on the first pass and many more even missed. Domonic managed to land one really nice bass that received the first pic of the day.

With a couple of small walleye in the livewell, we made the second drift in hopes of a few more. They were feeding 5 people tonight and hoped to get enough for everyone. I told them not to worry!

With each pass, fish were being caught and soon there were 5 keepers in the livewell. James managed to get one that wasn’t going to be part of dinner, when he landed a 25-inch fish. This was also his personal best walleye to date! A few quick pics later and it was returned to the lake.

We had made several passes over this area and caught fish each and every time. A mix of bass & walleye were brought to net and a few more pics were taken before another move was made. The next place produced many more bass and a few other eyes too. When it slowed, I decided to try one other place, before making a long run to troll.

They stuck with the dropshot on the next spot and with more current here, they were able to get a better drift. A few more bass were landed, along with several being lost. I had noticed that the wind had died out completely and now the lake was a mirror. So much for the long run to the other side to troll as I really needed the wind over there! I still tried a troll, but remained where I was and set the lines to give it a try. I didn’t even get the fourth one in when the first one began to scream. James reeled in another big walleye, giving him two for the day. Things were looking good for the troll right here!

After covering plenty of water, without another hit, one of the reels fired hard. Too bad it went silent quickly though and the fish never got hooked up! It took quite a while longer to make another reel scream but eventually it did and Dominic managed to land a good sized northern.  Unfortunately, this was to be the last fish caught by trolling. Time to go back to dropshotting I guess!

I headed to a flat in slightly deeper water and this was where we would end our day. The last couple of hours saw numbers of bass and a few more walleye caught before we were done. Both Dominic and James had real big ones on their lines but unfortunately the hooks came unpinned when their fish took to the air. Too bad too, because they were definitely worthy of pics! In the end, they were able to take a limit of good walleye home with them that would surely feed 5 people. Along with these fish, there were lots of other catches by everyone that were released. This turned out to be another high-numbers day that had plenty of action throughout. Oh yeah, James also finished on top with the biggest and most fish of the day!!

A Temperature Break

Francis and his father, Sylvain were with me today in pursuit of anything! They just wanted to catch fish and I wasn’t about to disappoint them. Bass & walleye would be the two main species targeted and dropshotitng would be the method used to get them. As usual, I was sure it would work out!

The conditions were a bit different than yesterday, with barely a breeze from the north. We also had a severe drop in air temperature and I was actually wearing more clothes just to keep warm. The fish didn’t seem to mind however as they were being caught. Both Francis and his father managed to land and or lose several bass and walleye from our first spot, by making multiple drifts over the area. This would be true for every place we fished today!

The second spot also had fish and most of them were walleye. They managed to put a few eyes in the box to take home too! Every area that was fished held either bass or walleye and some of them even had both. It was nice to see a mix of species. Plenty of perch were also caught from the places fished too!

Time passed by quickly today and out last area fished put several more bass and a few walleye in the boat once again. Not many pics were taken today as most of the fish landed were of average size. There were more big ones lost than landed today!

Both Francis and Sylvain had a very enjoyable time out and the weather was picture perfect for them as well. Plenty of fish were caught and several of them were going home for their dinner tonight! Overall, it was a very productive day!!


A confusing morning booking today left me ghosted by the client, after several attempts to get in touch with her. She had made the reservation a couple of weeks back and just left me hanging! B*t$#!

The afternoon trip with Dylan, Luke & Smitty was adjusted to start a little earlier and we met up around 9:30, instead of the usual time. I had gone out 30 minutes in advance, to scout a new area for walleye and put 3 good ones in the box before they even arrived. They wanted to have some fresh fish for dinner tonight and I was just making sure!

The 4 of us headed back out when they arrived and it didn’t take long for them to start hoking up. Several fish were missed in the beginning but eventually they got their heads in the game and started landing them. Lots of perch were caught, along with a few more walleye and Dylan landed a nice over that became the first pic of the day.

The fishing had slowed from our first area and I decided to make a move to another spot when the wind switched direction. It finally went more south and this would allow me to drift one of the places I wanted, for bass & walleye. Well, it didn’t take long before they began hooking up on some better fish. Bigger bass were being landed and several more pics were taken before the releases. Multiple drifts were made and each one yielded more fish. Eventually this place also slowed and I made another move again, in hopes of more fish.

The third spot of the day saw several bass and a couple more walleye landed and then it began to rain. Although I was dressed for the occasion, the others were not! We made one more, quick stop on a last spot before calling it a day. They were beginning to get cold from the wind & rain and it was almost 2:00 anyway.

I think they were all glad to be back on shore and took shelter under a tree, waiting for their ride. I packed everything up and headed home to filet the fish for their dinner tonight. I would be meeting up later with them and also dining well tonight!

Despite the rough start to the day, it all worked out in the end. By losing the client this morning I was able to begin earlier with these guys and got off the water before the heavy rain began. I’m sure they were all grateful to only suffer for a short period of time as well. Great times with great company today!!

Another Hot Fishing Day

Christian & Cyprien were with me today and they had another fantastic fishing day! Both of them weren’t expecting the numbers or the size of the fish, they caught. They were both locked up within the first three minutes and it just got better as the day went on. They mostly landed bass & walleye with several keepers going home with them, as well as a couple of big sturgeon. Despite another heat wave, the fishing was red hot too, making this all worthwhile. Expectations were surpassed today and as it turned out, this was the best fishing day either of them had ever experienced! Just another regular day for me!!