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Short & Sweet

Spent a few hours today fishing with Subhash and his business partner. They opted for sturgeon and although we managed to get 5, they were all on the small side. He also landed something he had never seen, a Redhorse sucker! A late start and an early finish had us only spending a couple of hours fishing. Definitely a short day!

Blazing Birthday Beatdown

Well, another brutal day on the water again today! No wind, current or any movement at all for Dan, the birthday boy! We had blazing sunshine and insane heat & humidity, all day long! Thankfully the fish were on fire too!

We started out with a really slow drift, float fishing and caught bass, walleye and a strange bonus catfish. When the floating weeds became more than we could handle, I brought him to a smallmouth spot I hadn’t fished in quite a while. I wasn’t sure what it would be like with the huge drop in our water level, but apparently the fish weren’t affected. In fact, they were more than willing to hit top water and other baits fished from the surface to the bottom. We remained here for several hours and then headed back to where we began in hopes of fewer floaters.

The drifts had to be aided by the electric motor, otherwise it would have been like being anchored! After one painful pass, I decided to raise the roof to escape some of the heat. It was still painful but at least we had some shade! The fish were also slow but we managed several more walleye and bass before we called it quits. Neither of us could take this any longer and by 4:00 we were done! We had roasted long enough and were looking forward to something with air conditioning!

Today was a great fishing day filled with plenty of action. Both walleye and bass with a few extras thrown in just for fun! Dan also landed perch, pike and of course that bonus catfish! I know this flat, hot low water won’t last forever, but hopefully we won’t have a hurricane with winds from the wrong direction. Unfortunately, you just never know!

Brutally Hot & Flat

Kevin joined me today with his son, hoping to get into some sturgeon. It hadn’t been showing much life but we were going to give it a try. First stop looked promising, but after 30 minutes of nothing, I ran to another place hoping to find some fish. I marked some smaller ones and decided to try,hoping there were a few big ones around too. In the end, we managed to get 5 fish from the area before we left. Two small sturgeon, one bass, one Redhorse sucker and a damn eel were caught and released. I really hate those slimy things!

By early afternoon we were dropshotting the deep once again and several decent smallies were landed. It took a little while before they got the hang of it but in the end, they fended quite well.

With limited time remaining, I opted for another species and headed to an area for walleye. We had a difficult time with no wind and there was also a ton of floating weeds from the heavy boat traffic. Despite all of this, we were still able to land several nice eyes before we were done.

The last three days on the water have been a real challenge with the conditions and low water but I’ve worked through it. Hopefully this will all change soon and the cool fall temperatures will arrive. I wouldn’t mind a little wind as well to clear up all the floaters! Hopefully better conditions ahead!

Another Windless Day

Herm was back again today for his second day of fishing, but my wife also joined us as well. I was hoping to get Herm a limit of keeper eyes for him to take back home today. Surely the three of us would be able to get it done!

This was another of those windless days that were supposed to be 10 to 20km from the SW, but they lied! There was virtually zero movement anywhere and the water drop made it even worse. I had my work cut out for me for sure!

A deep water smallie bite put some good fish in the boat before heading to a walleye spot. I decided quickly that the floats were going to come out again but this time I had to use the electric motor to be able to move. In the end, we managed to catch plenty of walleye both oversized and legal that Herm was able to fill his limit. There were also several good smallies landed as well.

This two day trip was something that Herm needed as it had been a couple of years since he casted a line. He was officially going home with fish for dinner! Great fishing and great friends! He may even return for another kick at the can before this year is done!

Float Fishing Walleye

Herm was finally back after a lengthy time not fishing. It was over two years since he wet a line in Canada and he was in for a treat. We were going to see if we could get him a limit of walleye and of course some bass!

Our first spot was absolutely windless and this made for a terrible drift. We did manage to pick up 3 walleye and a smallie but it was tough. Although I was marking fish, they just didn’t seem to want to bite. Between the full moon period and water level dropping almost 2 feet, it made for tough fishing in this area.

We made a move and switched locations, hoping for better action. We were now casting the drop shot and managed to pick up one more walleye from this area, giving Herm a total of 4 for the day. We also tried some deep water dropshotting and landed several good smallies in the process.

A little wind started to happen in the early afternoon and I thought we’d give another place a try. To my surprise, it was very light there and movement was at a minimum. I was actually forced to change techniques completely and go to a presentation that was geared to dead water drifting. I broke out the float rods and it was game on! For the remainder of the day, we consistently landed oversized walleye and bass until it was time to go. We also brought to net two more good keepers completing his 6 fish limit for the day!

Although it may have been a little slower than expected today, we were able to adjust to the conditions and finish with a bang. Sometimes a very small change can make all the difference and today it showed. We are back out again tomorrow and hoping for a little more wind, but if not I know just what to do! Better fishing ahead!