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Double Busy Day

July 27th 2019


Another double trip day today with Graham, Brian, Stewart & Dylan saw a good number of bass & walleye landed in the morning. They all managed to catch both species and were fortunate enough to bring a limit of the tasty walleye home with them.

The afternoon wasn’t as easy with flat calm conditions again and tight lipped fish on the bottom. Dave & Ji were pretty new to fishing and I had hoped on getting them into a similar bite. We drop shotted the entire time over fish but most of them weren’t in the eating mood. Although they did catch some good bass, the walleye were all on the small side and had to be released.

Tons of boats out today had me fishing in limited spots due to the overcrowding. Regardless, it was still a good day despite the high heat and humidity. Thankfully we were under the Bimini for the afternoon trip once again!

Enter The Fly Guy

Scott, Chris & Neil joined me this morning a little earlier than usual. We hit the water at 6:00 AM as they had to leave by 3 this afternoon. It felt strange launching this early, as I have become accustomed to getting out by 7.

I headed directly to a drop shot area and after about an hour or so and only small fish, we relocated. I knew that Neil would be able to fish the next spot a little more effectively as he was casting a fly. Drifting with a fly rod wasn’t so easy on the first place but he did manage to catch a few there too.

Well he pretty much put on a clinic here with all the bass he landed! Both Chris and Scott also caught their share but Neil definitely landed more. He was having a great time after his trip last year when Scott put a beating on him. Payback felt great as his rod was almost always bent!

Later in the afternoon we decided to make a long run searching for some largemouth bass. As soon as we arrived, Scott hooked up on what we thought was the right species but it turned out to be a smallie. With all this high water it’s no wonder that they too are roaming the weedy areas as well. Right around the same time, Chris missed another but his was definitely a green one. He rebounded a few minutes later, further away, with a nice fat largie and proof that they were actually here.

We had covered a lot of area and still only had the two fish when Scott nailed something tight in the weeds. Too bad it turned out to be a northern but it still gave him a great fight. Neil had been having a difficult time with the fly rod and finally broke down to use a spinning rod for the remainder of the trip. He also landed the last fish before we were done and it too was a smallie. I might have to check out this area a little more now that I have seen the brown ones roaming here too!

This day couldn’t have been better with a slight SW wind for drifting and plenty of eager fish biting. Everyone had a great time and especially Neil. He had boated many good bass throughout and almost all with his 5 weight fly rod. The fights were especially great in the current areas we concentrated on! The others definitely didn’t expect him to do as well as he did but by positioning the boat for him to fish, I knew he would. His angle for the area was perfect and he took advantage of every cast by swinging the fly directly into the paths where they held. Just another great day for fishing!

High Number Hookup Day

I had two groups today with the morning trip focussing primarily on trolling for northern pike. Paval and his family enjoyed some great action for these toothy critters! His son, Daniel had a birthday and this was his wish. He wanted to go fishing and the four of them spent 4 hours landing many fish. His mother Oksan and sister Alice also contributed to the numbers. Alice had a rough time though because each time it was her turn, two fish were always lost before she landed the third. This even happened three times! Talk about the power of three!

Once we were done with the trolling, I decided to try a little drop shotting for the remaining hour or so and apparently it was a good idea. Several more fish were landed and most of them were bass. A couple of walleye also came aboard and one of them was actually in a pike’s mouth. I netted both of them as Paval actually had hooked the walleye. The pike didn’t even have the hook in its mouth!

I held out right till the last minute and Daniel finally caught a nice bass just before we had to leave! Back to the dock to drop the family off and pick up my afternoon clients!

Paul & his son Ryan came out with me and I headed right back to where I had just ended. No need to go searching for fish as I was already on good ones!

I set them up with a drop shot and showed them what to do. As we drifted over the deep flats, fish after fish were lost by both of them. Somehow they were dropping almost all the bass they were hooking into and some of them were definitely big! Once they got the hang of it however, they managed a double and were finally on the board. Too bad they went back to losing them again, right after!

I decided to spend the afternoon working the area with different passes as there were plenty of fish around. Multiple drifts had them hooking up constantly and although most were lost, some of them did make their way to the net. Both walleye and bass were targeted and both were landed!

We had started out in a SW wind that had the fish on fire and once it changed to a NW, the bite slowed and I had to search for the active fish again. Each pass saw some fish caught but most were either missed or just lost. My drifts were also shorter due to the winds pushing me away from my waypoints, causing me to reposition the boat often. It also made me drop the electric motor in just to keep the boat angled, so they could fish effectively!

The time flew by and before we knew it, the day was done. They had chances at 40 or more fish and managed to play with most of them, but only for a brief time. I saw many jump off as they tried to reel them in. Despite losing a huge percentage off fish, they both had a great time. In fact everyone today enjoyed their 4 hour trip and left completely satisfied.

It’s not always about the size or number of fish you catch, but rather the time you experience while fishing. Today was a perfect example of that as both groups now have great memories of their time on the water. They also have a couple of new techniques that may aid them in future outings. There’s even talk about returning for another trip in the future! Possibly for a much larger species of fish too! Only time will tell but I think I will be seeing them again before the season is done!

Mixing It Up

John & Carlo were with me today, on the hunt for all kinds of fish. They were open for anything so I decided to get them into a bunch of different species!

We hit the first area drop shotting and perch, walleye and bass were landed. Although not overly large, they did manage to livewell a couple of eyes for their dinner tonight.

Our second spot was a little slow, but some nice fish were also landed here by drop shotting as well. Both bass & walleye came to net and were released. In fact, the best bass actually followed the bait back to the boat and was caught by dropping back down. It provided John with quite a battle!

With the lake getting calm, I decided to switch it up and we headed to another area to troll. This would also give them a break from casting for a while. I on the other hand would be clearing & setting lines frequently with all the weeds floating on the surface!

A good number of pike were taken on this method, along with a few walleye as well. They had plenty of action trolling as we stuck with it for several hours. Along the way there were even a couple of double headers which was nice to finally see! With the water remaining cold for so long this season, I hadn’t experienced it too many times!

With limited time remaining in the day, I decided to return to our starting area and see if the fish had become more active. We now had more wind and it would make for a better drift through the spot. I hadn’t realized however that it was on a change from SW to NW and ran there in washing machine like waves. We were receiving them from two different directions like heavy boat traffic would produce!

In the time they had left to fish, we were able to make many more drifts over the shoals and catch a pile more fish. Once again, they landed walleye, perch and some decent smallies, with many more fish being either missed or lost too.

Today was a good one for numbers, despite a rather slow start to the morning. It seemed like the bite got better as the water warmed and more fish were caught later in the day. In the end however, they both had a great time playing with all kinds of fish on a couple of techniques. They even managed to take 5 nice keeper walleye home with them for dinner tonight! Just another great day for fishing!

Flying Solo

Art was solo today and managed to land a good number of smallmouth bass on a couple of different presentations. Due to the wind blowing from the NE at the start, we were forced to resort to casting soft plastics. A cold front had come in overnight and drifting was completely out of the question!

Art had been looking to beat his personal best smallie and at only two pounds, I knew it wouldn’t be a problem. He landed all kinds of smaller fish on the lures and a few that definitely were bigger.

We hit many areas casting and were able to drop shot one specific place when the winds layed down. Here we managed to get into a mix of walleye & bass and it was quite plentiful at times!

Overall the day was a success with a good number of fish being landed for only one person in the boat. I even casted at times, just to catch a few myself! In the end, I put a good keeper walleye in the livewell to bring home for dinner tonight! What a great way to finish off a perfectly relaxing day on the water!