Guided Fishing!
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Mario brought his kids fishing this morning after rescheduling another fishing trip elsewhere. Julian, Gianluca and Arianna would be treated to a mix bag day starting with sturgeon. Hopefully it would all work out!

Well after spending over 2 hours anchored for the beasts, all we had to show for our efforts was one small sturgeon. Arianna had landed a juvenile, but that was all we caught. Time for a complete change in fishing and another species!

I prepped the rods for them to drop shot and hit an area further away. Both Arianna and Julian were hooked up almost immediately on their first drop. They both managed to get into a few fish from this place before it just went dead. The others had chances as well but were unable to keep them pinned.

I moved around a bit and hit a few more areas with similar results. Arianna seemed like the person with the most luck as she managed to catch a few more. Our last spot produced a couple of really good fish and it was here that we ended the day. Julian landed the biggest bass of the day from here too! He had been having a hard time keeping the fish pinned but finally managed to get one in the boat.

I would have liked to land at least one big sturgeon this morning but unfortunately we had to settle with a juvenile instead. At least the bass fishing was more consistent with many more fish biting. Mario and his kids still had a great time and hopefully they will all be back out again this season. Who knows, maybe next time the dinosaurs will actually bite!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation